الاثنين، 9 نوفمبر 2015

Mechanics: Example

My name is Mohammad. I have two brothers. I am working in my office my brother is .working with me my brother is a nice man. i like to drink a lot of water.


Skype is one of the popular apps on the world. you can talk to different people and people from around the world in voice chatting and video chatting and chatting with them on private chatting too. its a good with to contact people too.

الأحد، 8 نوفمبر 2015

Language Use: Example

My name is Ahmad. I have two brothers. I am working in my office. My brother is working with me. My brother is a nice man. I like to drink a lot of water.

السبت، 7 نوفمبر 2015


ok so "Instagram" is like my best app ever, i mean you can post photos and videos and add to them cool filters too, and like everyone gets creative with, and instagram is like one of the most popular apps in the whole world, there's nothing special about it but everyone is obsessed with it i don't know why, but instagram is a cool thing you know and its a good app too.


Hi today i'm going to talk about an app called "SnapChat" which is an app allow you to send pictures and video with cool filters and emoijes to your friends or family, you just film it and send it, but there's a role in this app which is the video or the photo can be seen only one time that's in the private mood, but in the story mood (which means public) you can see it or play it multiple times, and the fun part about snapchat is you can add some funny things to the photos or the videos you send, and the most stupid thing about it now that if you're not using one you're "not cool, uneducated, or even stupid", but in the end its all just an app.

Whats App

today i'm going to talk about an invention called "WhatsApp" its an app allow u to talk to people in free with an wifi connection, you can send pictures and videos even voice mails, and its actually one of the most biggest apps in saudi arabia and other arabic countries, with just one click you can contact the whole world which is a great thing.

الأربعاء، 4 نوفمبر 2015

Vocabulary Example

Friends play a great role in our lives. They effect our lives negatively or positively. We should choose them very carefully. First, we can look at his behavior. After that, we can look at his activities. It is very important to do something together. We must beware of people who has bad habits such as smoking, making fun of people etc.